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April 2024 Distracted Driving Awareness Month

Distracted driving is defined by The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) as “any activity that diverts attention from driving.” This may include talking or texting on your phone, eating and drinking, talking to passengers, and adjusting the stereo, entertainment, or navigation system.

The NHTSA estimated over 3,300 deaths and 289,000 injuries were attributed to distracted driving last year alone. Distracted driving crashes accounted for 8% of all fatal crashes, 12% of injury crashes, and 11% of all police-reported motor vehicle traffic crashes in the U.S.

When we get behind the wheel, our choices affect not only our safety but also the safety of everyone around us. Here, we discuss tips for observing Distracted Driving Awareness Month and focusing on the road.

April 2024 Distracted Driving Awareness

How Can I Help Reduce Distracted Driving Accidents, Injuries, and Fatalities in Texas?

According to the National Safety Council, the percentage of drivers manipulating hand-held electronic devices has increased by 82% from 2013 to 2022.

When we get behind the wheel, our choices affect not only our safety but also the safety of everyone around us. Tragically, on average, nine people a day are killed in distracted driving crashes, but a few simple steps can reduce the risks for yourself and those around you.

The Texas Department of Insurance provides five essential tips to avoid distracted driving.

They include:

  • Recognize the risks.

Using an electronic device, drowsiness, eating and drinking, and focusing on other passengers in the vehicle are among the riskiest driving distractions.

  • Keep calm.

Stay calm in stressful driving situations, and don’t respond in kind to another driver’s erratic or aggressive driving. Keep your distance and let the driver go first if they are determined to do so to avoid any further distractions.

  • Prepare for your trip.

Before setting out, preprogram the music and navigation systems and familiarize yourself with the vehicle’s safety features. If you have one, designate your passenger as your “designated texter” to respond to calls or messages. Clear the vehicle of any unnecessary or loose objects that can distract you from the road.

  • Identify distracted drivers.

Look out for motorists drifting from their lanes, driving at inconsistent speeds, or being preoccupied by other distracted behaviors. If you think the distracted driver is a danger to others, pull over in a safe place and call 3-1-1.

  • Turn off the phone.

Driving while texting, reading, or writing email became illegal in Texas in 2017.

If you are having trouble avoiding distracted driving behaviors, power off cell phones and other mobile electronic devices until you reach your destination or pull over in a safe and legal place if you cannot wait to talk or text. Cell phone blocking technology can help prevent calling, texting, or using the Internet while driving.

Remember, when you’re behind the wheel, your only job is to drive.

Contact Our Skilled Accident and Injury Attorneys Today

If you have been injured or lost a loved one in an accident caused by a distracted driver, our experienced Austin personal injury attorneys can guide you through the legal process, gather evidence to support your claim, and advocate for your rights in negotiations with insurance companies or inside the courtroom. Call our skilled accident and injury attorneys at (512) 883-0277 or contact us online today to schedule a free consultation.

We pursue dedicated, driven results for our clients, and there is never a charge to talk to an attorney. We stand ready to help you.

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