Personal Injury Lawyers In Lubbock, Texas

Buddy Holly Center

At Glen Larson Law Injury Attorneys, our personal injury lawyers in  Lubbock  ,  Texas  , also called Hub City, is the center of a multi-county region that is an economic, educational, and healthcare-focused area that is also the growing region of largest contiguous cotton in the world.

With more than 255,000 residents, our college town places tens of thousands of students, new recruits to the workplace and fellow lifelong Texans on our sidewalks and paths each year.

With inexperienced, distracted and even drunk drivers often traveling our highways, our  Lubbock County personal injury lawyers  are focused on identifying the direct cause of our clients’ collisions so that we can find the right party for you. financial recovery.

If you have been injured in a collision with a negligent driver (college student, Uber driver, or other), call our bilingual Lubbock personal injury staff, who are available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day to discuss your concerns. complete injuries.

We will determine how they have impacted your quality of life by listening to your story and learning more about your overall needs, to help you get your life back on track.

Personal Injury Lawyers In Lubbock, Texas Producing Dedicated And Driven Results

At  Glen Larson Law Injury Attorneys  , our experienced personal injury attorneys in Lubbock, Texas understand how difficult it can be to regain your physical, emotional, and financial health after being injured in an incident caused by a negligent driver.

We understand that when negligence is a factor, anyone can be hurt, anytime, anywhere. That is why we are here: to seek dedicated and driven results for the injured.

Glen Larson, our managing attorney and founder of the law firm, has represented injured Texans, and injured clients throughout the United States, for more than 15 years.

Our Lubbock, Texas personal injury attorneys continue to provide exceptional legal representation in the following practice areas:

Today, we are more than a personal injury law firm in Lubbock, Texas.

We are an organization that provides our fellow Texans with access to a skilled team of legal professionals and support staff, investigative resources, research analysts, medical experts, and some of the sharpest minds in engineering and accident reconstruction, for services top notch legal representation.

Call us today or contact us online  to have one of our experienced personal injury attorneys or intake specialists reach out to you, so you can share your story and learn more about your legal options to hold the person, party, or entity accountable that caused his injuries. for your full financial recovery.

College Town-Related Personal Injuries Are Common in Lubbock, Texas

A recent study by a  Rawls College of Business professor  found that more than 40,000 Texas Tech students and thousands of faculty and staff contribute approximately $1.5 billion to the economy of Lubbock, Texas each year.

El campus de Texas Tech University comprende más de 1,839 acres, y cuando hay demasiada distancia para que los estudiantes caminen entre cursos, muchos confían en bicicletas o scooters eléctricos para llegar y regresar de sus clases.

Desafortunadamente, cuando los conductores negligentes están detrás de las ruedas de vehículos de pasajeros mucho más pesados, aquellos en scooters y bicicletas, ya sea que formen parte de la comunidad de Texas Tech o simplemente se desplacen por Lubbock, a menudo son los que resultan lesionados.

Cuando los conductores están distraídos, acelerando o afectados por el alcohol o las drogas, su capacidad para ver a una persona a pie, en bicicleta o en scooter se ve comprometida, especialmente cuando miran sus teléfonos mientras conducen.

Estos actos negligentes y prevenibles están dejando a los peatones, ciclistas y conductores de scooters gravemente heridos, y familias devastadas por la pérdida de sus seres queridos que murieron mientras atravesaban el campus de Texas Tech, los vecindarios, el centro de Lubbock e incluso en estacionamientos y otros. áreas aparentemente protegidas.

Creemos que las víctimas de lesiones merecen tener un defensor legal capacitado a su lado, que perseguirá agresivamente a la persona o parte negligente que les causó el daño.

Nuestros abogados expertos en lesiones personales en Lubbock, Texas, lo hacen sin cobrar honorarios por adelantado, ni ningún tipo de tarifa si no proporcionamos una resolución positiva para su caso.

Si resultó herido debido a la imprudencia de un conductor negligente, llame hoy a nuestros abogados de lesiones personales en Lubbock, Texas, para saber cómo podemos ayudarlo a buscar justicia.

Póngase En Contacto Con Nuestro Experimentado Equipo De Abogados De Lesiones Personales En Lubbock, Texas Para Una Consulta Gratuita Hoy

En Glen Larson Law Injury Attorneys, nuestros clientes son la razón por la que buscamos justicia todos los días.

Es por eso que diseñamos estrategias legales personalizadas para cada una de las necesidades de recuperación únicas de nuestros clientes, para que entiendan que estamos escuchando la lista completa de las formas en que sus lesiones han afectado su calidad de vida en general.

Si ha resultado lesionado por la negligencia de otra persona o de una parte, comuníquese hoy con nuestro equipo calificado de abogados de lesiones personales en Lubbock, Texas, para descubrir cómo creamos soluciones legales que permiten a nuestros clientes lograr el éxito dentro y fuera de la sala del tribunal, para que puedan perseguir el la recuperación financiera que merecen por sus daños generales, sin tener que pagar sus gastos médicos, salarios perdidos, inscripción comprometida u otros gastos de su bolsillo.

Contact our experienced Lubbock, Texas personal injury attorneys at Glen Larson Law Injury Attorneys today by calling  806-203-7566   or connect with us online to schedule a free consultation with our top personal injury law firm today. We are here to help provide dedicated and driven results for your unique case.

We also serve the following areas: